What's helpful to know before your lesson
I teach via Zoom - I will send you an invite link via email 5 minutes before your booked lesson. I use a webcam so that you can easily see my piano keys and fingers when I am demonstrating an exercise or part of the piece and so you can follow the melody whilst singing. I teach on my lovely electric piano ( not the baby grand ) to have more control over the volume and sound quality, and I use a separate microphone set up so that you can clearly hear me. It's helpful if you have a strong internet connection to maximise the online lesson experience.
Piano lessons/ Songwriting Lessons: your device will need to be positioned to the right hand side of the piano/keyboard, slightly raised, and angled so that I can see the keys, your hands, and you. We can work this out in the first lesson but it would be helpful to have a side table or chair to hand!
Your first two piano lessons will involve establishing what level you are at and how much experience you have - this will be through scales and exercises and any pieces you show me.
Please send any piece or song you have been working on, or would like to learn, via email as a scan or photograph, ideally a week in advance of your first lesson.
If you would like me to choose pieces from my own music, I am happy to do this and I will email these to you once your level has been established. I can also send you exercises to print off as we go along.
If you are a beginner then I will recommend some books for you to buy during your first few lessons.
Singing lessons - please email me a link to your child's chosen song one week before their first booked lesson. You will need to print off the lyrics ( or have an additional device to hand ) for them to read from. If they do not have a chosen song, I am happy to make suggestions and I can send you the link to the lyrics.
I will email you my payment details, along with my Booking Policy and Agreement Form, once the first lesson date and time has been decided. Payment needs to be paid by the end of the first day of your lesson.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you!