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Choir singing light shines though (1)
00:00 / 02:17

My Children's Choir is for any child of any ability aged 7 upwards who would like to sing pop songs in a small nourishing group.I have been a singing and songwriting teacher for over 10 years and the idea for a choir grew from running popular Singing- For Well-Being Workshops in my home. I have a long background in mental health work (NHS and Charities)which has enabled me to tune- in and support children who may be feeling anxious or unsettled. 






This term we have been singing songs by Rachel Platten, OneRepublic,Mark Ambor, Oliver!, (as well as an original song i wrote for the choir!) and last term we sang Bruno Mars, Benson Boome, George Ezra, The Beatles, Dua Lipa and Katy Perry, to name a few. We've been trying out harmonies too! We always start the session with a grounding ice-breaker game and fun warms ups to get us feeling relaxed with one another. There is always a break in the middle of the session, before singing more fun songs together.



At the Malling Community Centre in Lewes, in the small hall (next to the awesome Brew Cafe!) on Thursdays 5.15pm -6.15pm. This is a lovely way to come together, make new friends and feel good in your body, heart and head. You do not have to know how to sing to be able to join: the focus will be on feeling good, having fun and creating music! 



Our first session back is on Thursday 9th January and runs through to Thursday 13th February. This is a 6 week term.


We already have 10 super singers in our choir and spaces are limited due to health and safety regulations so if your child is interested please do book a taster session, or you are welcome to skip this and book the whole term.


COST: £54 * (Siblings are half price! ) 

(*limited spaces available at concession rates for low in-come families under £28,000 total income- please enquire) 


TASTER DAY is the first and second session of the term on January 9th and January 16th and both cost £9 per child. You will need to book your space by paying and emailing in- advance (details below) 



Firstly, please read the Booking Policy Terms and Agreements in the section below. By payment, you are agreeing to the policy. If you have any questions, please email Sophie at

Follow the instructions below carefully so that we see your booking clearly and that we have all your details, thank you.

To reserve your child's place, please make payment to :                                                                       Miss Sophie Cousins                                            Sort Code: 30-19-14                                             Acct No: 01249227


With reference :  Your child's full name and X1 (if one child) X2 if a sibling is joining.

i.e  Daniel Murray X2  and email me at with the names of your children, age, any additional information you feel we should know and if you are booking a taster session or if you are booking the whole term. Please make sure you include your contact number/ any family member's number who may be picking up your child - this is really important - incase of emergencies. You will then receive an email receipt confirming your booking (this is not automatic, so bare with us - our admin days are Monday and Wednesday


WHERE TO FIND US: Malling Community Centre, Spences Ln, Lewes BN7 2HQ

Conveniently there is free parking next to the park and a new cafe in the community centre!


The car park is over the large bridge on Mayhew Way, past the police head quatres on the left and then Malling Stores on the right, then take the next right onto The Martlets, follow road down to Hereward Way where you turn right and head towards under the bridge.

THIS ONE map malling_edited_edited.jpg



  1. The term needs to be paid in full to secure your child's/childrens place, please note this is not a drop-in service.

  2. Bookings are non-refundable and missed weeks can not be refunded. 

  3. Parents/Carers must leave their telephone number with their child's name when booking your space. Please leave any additional relevant numbers (Nanny/Grandma etc) if they too may pick up your child. This is incase of emergencies.

  4. Music Lessons Lewes is not responsible for how children arrive and leave the building/are picked up. Children must be picked up on time at 6.15pm otherwise a fee may be charged, as we are charged if we are not out of the building with all equipment by 6.30pm.

  5. Adults whose children have any medical needs must inform us and be in the building for the duration of the choir session (there is a cafe next door)

  6. Please let us know of any disabilities or neurodiversites which you think may be helpful for us to be aware of and we will try to assist/adapt where we can. 

  7. Chaperones (parent of a choir member/choir leaders) will be escorting children to the toilets when needed, during the session. 

  8. Children are not to leave the main hall (choir room) unless they go to the toilet or a parent is present.

  9. Children will be asked to leave the session (and parents/carers contacted) if there is any behaviour which we consider to be unkind towards another child or continually disruptive to the choir.

  10. We take safeguarding seriously - if we have concerns over a participants well-being and safety we will be contacting the local safeguarding lead to raise this as a concern.

  11. Please bring a bottle of water with you - there is a water cooler in the room.

  12. Please do not eat during the session as it interrupts the singing and we also need to keep the room clean and tidy! - thank you. There is a break half way through so there is time to have refreshments.

  13. Parking is free of charge next to Malling Park play area. Please do not park in the upper car park - this is reserved for members of staff working in the Community Centre and visitors to the children's centre attached next door. 

  14. Check your emails/junk box as we will be emailing the song choices each week. This is so your child can have a chance to listen to the songs just so that they can feel familiar with them (not so they know them note or word perfect!) 

Children Singing in a Choir
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