Lesson Descriptions
I teach for pupils to enjoy what they are learning, rather than to take grades or exams or create stress or pressure. I believe playing music should be fun! The lessons are tailored to suit the individual needs of your child, depending on how they learn and what they gravitate towards. We will explore how it feels to play around with the sounds and get used to how it feels to play the notes and create melodies. I also use a more structured and task-oriented approach, where we go through piano exercises, scales, arpeggios, chords and basic theory, as well as learning pieces and songs. I will recommend piano and theory books, as well as You-tube links if I think these will be helpful.
Lessons for 6 and 7-year old's are taught on my electric piano, where the keys are easier to press down for little fingers! Children aged 8 upwards are taught on my baby grand Yamaha piano which has weighted keys.
I will guide your child to explore their voice through relaxing the body, breathing fully and using fun singing exercises and songs. My main objective is for children to feel uplifted in themselves by the end of each lesson. We will start by warming up the voice with creative melodies, tongue twisters, familiar tunes and arpeggios. We will sing positive affirmations to build self-esteem - and I will help them to make up their own so that they feel empowered by the process. With these exercises the words can be learnt by ear and I will sing them to your child for them to sing back to me! The lesson will then focus on a favourite song of theirs' ( or I'll introduce them to a nice song which I think will suit their voice and ability ) and we will go through it at their own pace, learning pitch, melody, rhythm and expression. Everybody learns differently, so the lesson is tailored to individual learning styles and lyrics can be read from a print out, or sung by me to be learnt by ear.
Lessons are for any child wishing to have fun and gain confidence through singing, and who would like to learn to sing their favourite songs ( rather than 'to be a singer'! ) I have lots of songs to hand to choose from, but please let me know what your child’s favourite song is, so that, if I don’t know it, I can listen to it and learn it beforehand. The first lesson will be used to establish your child's singing range so that songs can be transposed to suit their voice. We will then sing these together, and then when they feel confident and comfortable enough, - separately, with piano as the accompaniment. I will give them lots of little exercises to hum and sing around the home in-between lessons!
These lessons are designed to support learners who, for any reason, may feel unsettled within themselves and who would benefit from a more grounded, holistic and gentle approach to reach calm and build confidence, through the exploration of music and mindfulness. This could involve any of the following: breathing techniques; body scanning; rhythm and percussion; creating and singing their own positive affirmations; lyric writing; playing a favourite song on piano (by ear or by reading music); songwriting; piano playing (improvising, reading, chord learning, or exercises); telling a story through the piano keys; fun games to warm the voice and play with its sounds; singing and playing the piano at the same time. The lessons will be built to reflect the individuals learning style and need, either structured or 'in the flow' of the learner. The aim of the Music Wellbeing Lessons is for your child to feel relaxed, uplifted and nurtured through their own journey within music.
NB Please note, I am not a Music Therapist. I have combined years of mental health work, music teaching and my own experiences of anxiety, mindfulness and neuro-diversities. The lessons are not suitable for children who are displaying aggressive behaviour as I will not be able to meet their needs.
I teach those learning from scratch and those returning to playing, from beginners to, and including, the level of grade 6. It’s your lesson, so it’s about what you would like to get out of it! Lessons can include scales, arpeggios, chords, pieces, songs, theory and techniques to get your muscle memory going. As with the children's lessons, I teach for you to have fun, not to take grades, and I recommend any useful books or exercises which I think will help you.
Ever wanted to write your own song? Have some lyrics but are not sure how to put it to a tune? Have the chords but are struggling with what you are wanting to say? I teach songwriting lessons to anyone who has basic knowledge of the piano and has a creative urge to pen down their very own musical story! We will work on your creation over several weeks, allowing for the development of ideas during and in between the lessons. Please email me with any questions, and feel free to check out my own music via https://songwhip.com/sophie-cousins
These workshops are aimed at any child who wants to explore their voice, gain self-confidence in a small group, and sing some fun pop songs with their peers. Groups are limited to 4 to create more comfort and less overwhelm. We will be singing positive affirmations, learning some breathing techniques , fun warm ups and looking at harmonies within songs. It's creative and fun and I welcome those who have sung before and who are beginners but feel able to sing in front of others. Please email me for more information and to book your child's place.