Lessons are based around the school academic year, although I do teach in some half terms and for parts of the Easter and Summer Holidays . To secure your place , terms are booked in advance and are paid in full. I only teach Mondays and Wednesdays so places are limited and there is a waiting list - please email me to be added to it.
Term Dates
Week commencing April 15th until week ending July 19th (optional lessons during half term, all bank holiday lessons are included in the paid term)
Please note I am currently fully booked for regular lessons but you are welcome to go on the waiting list.
Please contact me via musiclessonslewes@gmail.com for any interest in Singing for Wellbeing Workshops, Songwriting 1-1 workshops, Group Songwriting Workshops (up to 4 participants) , The Children's Choir and the Birthday Parties.
Lesson Type and Cost
Piano lessons (30 min) £24
Singing lessons (30 min) £24
Double 30min lesson back to back (same student) £45
Piano/Singing (45 mins) £35
Songwriting (45mins) £35
Music for Wellbeing (45 mins) £40
Singing for Wellbeing Workshops 90 minutes (x5 places ) £25
Songwriting 1-1, 3 hour Workshop (with a recording) : £160
Group Songwriting Workshops 3 hours (with a recording) (4 participants) £50 per person
Birthday Party Singing and Songwriting 2 hours £190 (6 participants)
Birthday Party Singing and Songwriting 3 hours with recording £290 (6 participants)